Monday, June 16, 2008

Lo-Fidelity is locally local but still nation-wide...

I would just like to make a quick announcement.

Lo-fidelity Issue 3 is well under way. The lay out is just about complete, and all that is really left is to print it up. Soon we will be mailing out copies to the contributors, as well as, leaving them in stores all over the place. We will be doing our best to spread them everywhere possible.

Issue 4's deadline is January 1st, 2009. So think about that.

Also: If you have some stuff layin around and would like to submit it to lo-fidelity's blog (on which we put some more work) you are more than welcome to. Email it to and make sure you write 'website/blog submission' in the subject line, so we don't get it mixed up.

That is all for now. Thank you. Keep local literature alive!

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